As part of the investigation for many urological conditions, it may be necessary to look inside the bladder with a small flexible telescopic camera called a cystoscope.  This is performed in rooms as a minor procedure. 

A cystoscope is about the size of a catheter and is introduced up the urethra into the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside. Once the cystoscope has reached the bladder, the inside of the bladder can be inspected. The urethra is also inspected.

The test itself is not usually painful although it can be uncomfortable. Local anaesthetic jelly is used to numb the area and guide the cystoscope into the bladder. Usually, once the instrument has reached the bladder, the discomfort ceases.



There is no special preparation for this procedure. You may eat and drink before the examination and you may drive home afterwards.



Following a cystoscopy:

  • In the first few hours after the test, it is useful to drink extra fluids (approximately 2-3 drinks)
  • Stinging in the urethra can also be experienced the first couple of times you pass urine after a flexible cystoscopy
  • Occasionally there is a small amount of blood the first time you pass urine after this test

Infection is uncommon but can occasionally occur. If you feel you may have an infection, contact Urology Associates, or your GP.

AuthorUrology Associates