Bedwetting at night (also called nocturnal enuresis) happens during sleep. Your child can't control their bedwetting, so it's not their fault. Wetting the bed at night (nocturnal enuresis) is very common in young tamariki. It affects approximately:
Bedwetting occurs slightly more often in boys than girls.
Experts don't consider bedwetting to be a problem until children are about 7 years of age. That is a good age to introduce treatment programmes if your child wants to do something about it.
At Urology Associates we have a Specialist Nurse who can help your child. We run a bed alarm program which is nurse-led, and the child would be referred on to a specialist Paediatric Urologist if there were any other concerns or they did not respond to the alarm program.
Urology Associates
Forte Health Building
132 Peterborough Street
Christchurch 8013
New Zealand
Urology Associates - Whakatipu
Suite G, Centre of Medical Excellence
12 Twelfth Avenue
Lake Hayes, Queenstown
New Zealand