We require a minimum of three business days’ notice for a repeat prescription to be processed. Urology Associates will invoice you separately for the prescription fee. All prescriptions are emailed to your preferred pharmacy or can be collected from our reception.
Repeat prescriptions are at the specialist's discretion – you will be contacted to make an appointment if a review is necessary
Repeat prescriptions are available if you have seen a specialist, for the condition, within the previous six months (or three months for some medications).
If you require an urgent repeat prescription please phone the clinic on 03 379 0555. Note: this may not always be possible to action on the same day.
Urology Associates
Forte Health Building
132 Peterborough Street
Christchurch 8013
New Zealand
Urology Associates - Whakatipu
Suite G, Centre of Medical Excellence
12 Twelfth Avenue
Lake Hayes, Queenstown
New Zealand