Urine infections in children always require investigation as it is unusual for a child to develop a urine infection. That does not mean that there is always a problem, but your GP should refer your child to Paediatric Urologist for investigation.
The tests that may be suggested are:
Regular fluid intake
Going to the toilet regularly ("timed voiding")
Passing bowel motions regularly
Avoiding food and drinks that can irritate/upset the bladder
Making sure the bladder is empty before leaving the toilet ("double voiding")
For cases of very frequent urine infections, further investigation with surgery (such as cystoscopy which is a way of examining the bladder with a long telescope) or a course of preventative antibiotics, may be suggested.
Urology Associates
Forte Health Building
132 Peterborough Street
Christchurch 8013
New Zealand
Urology Associates - Whakatipu
Suite G, Centre of Medical Excellence
12 Twelfth Avenue
Lake Hayes, Queenstown
New Zealand